BIG NEWS: Overjet just raised $53 million of Series C funding!

DSO Leaders Get Honest: The Benefits, Challenges & ROI of AI

DSO Leaders Get Honest About AI

James Nick, the Chief Revenue Officer of Dental Care Alliance, and Dr. Charlie Zasso, the Chief Dental Officer of Great Lakes Dental Partners, are early adopters of dental AI. Discover what these leaders wish they had known earlier, the findings that have surprised them the most, and their advice for other groups.

Overjet’s FDA-cleared platform for radiograph analysis detects and outlines decay, quantifies bone loss, and draws the eye to other areas that require a closer look.

But the biggest benefit may be how patients react when they see the detailed results in real-time.

Curious about how artificial intelligence will help your practice grow?

Dental Artificial Intelligence for DSOs and Insurance companies

Empower your practice with Overjet

  • Increase case acceptance through powerful visualization
  • Increase productivity through the identification of treatment needs in your patient database
  • Develop clinical consistency and alignment based on objective findings
  • Increase insurance claim approvals when the diagnosis is supported by evidence-based findings