BIG NEWS: Overjet just raised $53 million of Series C funding!

Published on November 16, 2022

Pediatric Radiographs

We’re pleased to announce another update to make your job easier!

Pediatric radiographs will now appear in Overjet, without findings. You no longer have to return to your digital imaging system to see radiographs for patients under the age of 13.

Pediatric Images on the Daily Patients Page

On the Daily Patients page, you will now see a link to images for all patients, regardless of their age. You will be able to view images taken the day of their appointment as well as from prior visits dating back 18 months. No findings, except Due for Bitewings, will appear in the findings column for pediatric patients. All other information on the page remains the same.

Viewing Radiographs for Pediatric Patients

When you click through to the images from the Daily Patients page, you’ll be taken to the standard FMX page. Clicking on an image from the FMX page will take you through to that selected image, as usual. You will have the same filtering functionality that you have for adult patients.